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Monday, May 7, 2007

Hair Affairs e-Mag Cover Girl Story - Tuere

Tuere is Hair Affairs May e-Mag Cover Girl.

On her album cover her sisterlocks are about 4 yrs old.

Tuere works out of her home studio in Atlanta (and sometimes in Dallas) when not wrangling her husband and two children.

Independent Recording Artist Tuere can be found on itunes, cdbaby and myspace -

The photographer is Marie Thomas and her website is


Anonymous said...

I love your hair and the two tone colours, did you go to a salon for colouring or did you do it yourself. I would like to know also, if you have suffered with lint attracting your locks and how you deal with it.

Hair Affairs said...

Hi Anonymous,

These pictures are not of my hair, but Tuere who agreed to be my May cover girl. I also have two tone hair, which was coloured at a salon. I do not have any problems with lint either, or not that I have noticed.

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